What is a mobile video game theater?
Video Game Truck Westchester NY has FOUR 55″ widescreen LED TVs covering the walls in front of custom stadium seats. With built-in vibration motors in the seats synched to the on-screen action, your guests will have the best gaming experience they will ever have.
This is the supreme birthday idea for kids or fundraising method that will top them all. Play as a team, enjoy different games, because there are plenty to choose from — all the newest games from Wii, Playstation and Xbox with a “Game Coach” to help anyone who needs it.
Since there are no single-player games, it’s the ultimate party for a group to have fun together at birthday parties, events, festivals and more! There is no game truck today that will thrill your crowd the way Rolling Video Games can.

Who Is The Game Coach?
The professionally trained Game Coach accompanies every event with the Rolling Video Games mobile video game theater game truck.
His job is to instruct, tutor and inspire your guests to have the most fun possible with our state-of-the-art equipment. Younger guests may receive lessons with the game movements and wireless controllers. Teen guests might be shown tricks of the trade and game strategy and act as a ‘big brother’.
Adult guests will be inspired with group gaming, explaining basics and making sure their event is the best experience we can offer! Tell your Game Coach how to make it great! Our game truck is the best rolling trailer in town!